Tag: young widow


    I had a bunch of ideas for today’s post (sourcing all my favorite things to give loved ones etc), but my heart just didn’t have the energy. And honestly, seems that when I’ve just let my fingers type (or when I’m driving in my car) and letting my thoughts flow and dance, is when it seems to come from my heart and gives me the most clarity, which is why I’m doing this blog.

    But here’s a lil somethin’ somethin’ for Valentine’s Day that I found from Friends of Type blog. These guys are killer with type. And I visit their blog often for inspiration. And this quote is timeless.

    It’s amazing how one’s heart will guide you, not your eyes, your sense of touch or even your brain. When you do/ say/ feel what intuition guides you to, it’s pretty powerful. “Be still and know that I am God” (Psalm 46:10). The voice of that purest light of yourself  telling you what to do. Meditation is another wonderful way to engage in that stillness and open your heart to this or His guidance too.

    Well that’s it… I hope your day is filled with chocolates (I’m thinking the really good kind, like dark chocolate with caramel and sea salt!).


    This is My Life I'm Happy to be Living It

    I found this creative collage & photo by Katie Licht via the Creature Comforts blog. Be happy for the life you are blessed with. God believes and knows you can handle it. Keep on keepin’ on!



    Some of you have heard this before. So I apologize if you’re tired of hearing this one!

    It was Saturday, February 15, 2003.

    It was a friend’s birthday. So myself and 3 other girlfriends decided to hit up a local music venue to celebrate. We first went to the restaurant next door and ordered drinks.

    After we were seated the server informed us that the restaurant was closing so if we wanted anything to eat, we’d better place our orders. We weren’t hungry so we continued catching up and enjoying our tasty drinks.

    Then, another guy comes to the table. (it’s Tim!). I think he’s another server, since he’s in jeans and a t-shirt.

    Again, tells us the kitchen is closing and to find out if we wanted anything to eat. So, I tell him, we’d be up for a dessert. I love dessert!

    So he brings out  dessert. It’s cheesecake. And tells us that its his Aunt Joan’s famous recipe cheesecake. It’s delicious. Never was a fan of cheesecake. But this was SOME cheesecake.

    So… few minutes pass, and we’ve pretty much devoured the cheesecake. And Tim comes back to check in on us. Asks how’s the cheesecake. And we’re all smiling and raving about it.

    So, he pulls up a chair and strikes up lots of conversation. He’s totally genuine. And find out he’s a chef. (Hmm… so that got my attention. He’s handsome and… a handsome guy that can cook. Nice!)

    He chats with all of us— talks about surfing, travelling, politics (yeah, politics!), and various things.

    It was the first time in a long time that I was kinda smitten.

    Felt that I had to ask this guy out.

    SO I DID.

    After he left the table, I’m all giddy, and tell the gals that I’m going to ask him out. And they’re like “Oh yeah… he’s soo into you… do it.”

    So, our server comes back and I drill him about Tim… does he have a girlfriend? Is he a player? Server tells me he’s single and definitely not a player.

    So… I give my biz card to the server to give to Tim.

    { And then this is Tim’s side of the story: Tim gets the card and thinks the card is from my friend. Tells the server he’s not interested. And then the server’s like, no, its the blonde. And Tim’s goes, ok, yeah, she’s cute. }

    So… Tim comes back into the restaurant. Jokes and tells me that I probably do this all the time. Then, he guides me over to the huge calendar, for the concert schedule at the venue next door. And we pick out when we’ll go on our date.

    And so we hang out the rest of the night. He gives me a tour of  the concert venue backstage, where Erykah Badu, Etta James, and all the other musicians have hung out before their performances.

    That was a night to remember. Can’t believe it was 9 years ago.

    *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  * *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *

    Next Tuesday and Wednesday (Valentine’s and anniversary of meeting Tim will another “First.” (first Valentine’s without him/ First anniversary of when we met without him). I’ve been teary these past few days driving into work.

    So stoked to have met Tim, but these “firsts” are always the reality check of this new life.

    I’m going to end and leave you with this note that I got from Martha Beck, a famous writer/contributor to Oprah Magazine and speaker that I met back in December at the TEDX conference. I asked for her autograph and this is what she gave me. I cried after she gave this to me. It gives me comfort, courage and strength. And perhaps for you too.


    puppy super bowl

    The big Super Bowl game is just days away! But you have to check out Animal Planet’s Puppy Bowl Super Bowl Sunday at 3pm E/P.

    These adorable sugars below are part of the “starting lineup.” And there’s even a Piglet Pep Squad!  How great is this?

    And the great bonus… you can adopt ALL of these pups… ok, or one of them. Go to the Puppy Bowl website and check out the videos and all the puppy photos. Definitely a mood lifter!

    And if you’re interested in adopting, check out your local rescue. We got Oliver at the German Shorthair Pointer Rescue.

    Enjoy the game and adopt don’t shop!!




    Alison and I had time to go up for the day to Park City and scope out the Sundance Film Festival after the Alt Summit. I’ve never been to Sundance or Park City, so I was stoked. We tood the day trip with 4 new friends from the Alt conference and the 6 of us had a blast. I was totally blown away!

    We didn’t see any movies. Or any celebrities, as we had hoped. And it’s easy not see a movie while you’re at Sundance. There’s so much going on in the quaint, charming town of Park City during the festival. Art installations, Pop-up venues to hang out and stay warm. Cool, locally-owned boutiques. And loads of live music.

    So, that was our plan—to check out the live music. The snow was coming down pretty hard, and taking shuttles to movie theatres and trying to get on a waiting list to see any movie, was looking too complicated.

    We took a short, quick walk around main street, grabbed a comforting bite to eat at Zoom, then hitup one of the best live music shows I’ve seen in a few years. Granted I haven’t seen much live music in a few years, but we were all pinching ourselves at how spectacular the venue and performers were.

    Here’s highlights from our adventure.

    young widow adventure

    The music café—which only held about 100 people was so personal and intimate. It was basically a studio converted into a performance venue for the festival. For three hours we saw 6 amazing musicians for FREE! Hmm-mmm! Especially when the venue had limited capacity, and was limited to ticket holders. So we totally scored. And the crazy part, is that we almost didn’t get in.

    At first the bouncer told us that the venue had reached capacity and that only ticket holders were allowed in. So we walked away. I had stopped at the corner to take a photo, and we found another door into the venue, that lead to the back “re-entry” door. So we went up and the bouncer told us that we had to use the front entry. Then about 6-8 people walked out, and so Alison said to head back to the front and see if the bounce would let us go in if people were leaving. So that’s how we got in. Alison told the front door bouncer that a bunch of people left and to see if we could get in. And so we did.

    Here’s the performers.

    NOTE: I actually took these shots one-handed, since my other hand was holding a nice, local beer. I’m stoked how well these shots came out. Thanks Mom, Dad  & Tim for this great travel camera!

    First up was, A Fine Frenzy. She’s beautiful. Her voice was magical. And she could go from a sweet, soft, piano-playing tune to a flirty dance beat. Really dug her!

    Jenny O.

    john fronte

    Mr funk-delight-fusion (yes, I just said that… I’m a dork) or better known as John Forté. Check out his site, there’s some cool stuff, and he’s got a nice logo.

    Natasha Bedingfield

    Josh Kelley. (also married to Kathryn Heigl).

    His set was acoustic and I really dug it, better than his twangy full production stuff.

    One of his songs that’ll be on his new album coming out later this year really floored me. It was about a cowboy who was far from his girl. And she was his angel during his travels back to her. Chorus went something like… “Hallelujah, you’re my angel”.

    When he sang that part, it reminded me of Tim. Especially “you’re my angel,” part and seeing the number “12” displayed behind Josh on the backdrop, which is Tim’s lucky number, that teared me up. I didn’t have tears streaming down my face, but my eyes were filled with water and my heart sank a bit. But then I felt a calm, like, Tim was tugging on my shoulder. And I felt this sense that Tim was smiling big down at me, stoked that I was in Park City and wishing he was with me, enjoying the music and letting me know that he wanted me to hear those words. That he’s my angel watching over me.

    Ben Taylor. (James Taylor’s and Carly Simon’s son. Can you see it?)

    Thank You Sundance. You made the trip up to Utah such a blast. Look forward to coming back.