Well, today you are 42. I heard that even though you aren’t physically here, that you still age in heaven.
Soooo… Happy Birthday, my big shugar!
I don’t understand why I can’t give you a big, tight birthday hug and smoocherz. Or why we can’t go to our favorite sake/japanese restaurant tonight to celebrate. Or why this year’s birthday song to you isn’t as uplifting to hear. But I will celebrate. Because I still love you. Because I want to celebrate and honor you, especially because you aren’t here.
You were the most awesome son, brother, friend, surfer, chef, neighbor and soul mate one could find.
One month after we met, it was your birthday. And of course you put together a big birthday bash, but unlike anyone I know, you did it with an extra dose of sweetness. You had your buddy’s band play, Buckfast Superbee, and then had a DJ, to get everyone dancing. But the thing you did that showed this day wasn’t about you, was you made everyone bring at least 2 cans of food to donate to the local food bank. And the person who brought the most won a prize! I think it was a wine basket. I’ve never known anyone to do that. You had such a big heart!
Its still a shock that you aren’t here, but life isn’t forever. We all gotta take each day as a gift, no matter the circumstance. Luckily our love is forever, and your delightful spirit and love keeps me going.
I’ve been a jumble of emotions, trying to figure out how to celebrate this day without you here. So I will light a candle, but I’m not going to sing.
And our lovely gals, Fall and Hayley have remembered too, and we’re going to celebrate at your favorite restaurant. Yuka’sexcited and got our reservation set. Table for 3 for TIMMMMAYY!
And all of us (near and far) will celebrate you on this special day! We will try our best to make it awesome and relish in your witty, sweet, and genuine spirit.
Whole lotta love sending up your way! All my love and miss you, shug, xoxoxo Michelle
And now a montage… of some of my favorite photos.

Fun, photobooth shots from Kristi’s 30th birthday. I think these will help boost the mood.

Classic shot. With Tim sporting his favorite band’s shirt.

From his surf trip with Mike, Steve, Tim V. & David.

Costa Rica trip with Finch.

The amazing trek and camping trip to Hamma Hamma in Olympic National Park with Bray & Lisa. One of my favorite memories!

From our trip to Glacier National Park.

He was quite the fisherman, which he gets from his Dad. And I actually caught this one. Yep, I did.

Best friends forever, yep. yep. Tim was so proud and stoked for Mike on this day! Autobiography on artist Wolfgang Bloch, written by Mike and designed by David Carson. This was the opening reception for Wolfgang Bloch’s gallery showing. And at the end of the night, Mike, David & Wolfgang were all signing autographs together. Sweetness, brah. Get the book here.

The gang’s all here. Best friends and the best parents.

Beautiful sunset on Maui’s Haleakala volcano, on our honeymoon.
Thanks everyone for all your love and reading.