I’m not sure how often Martin Luther King Jr Day and Inauguration Day have been on the same day in the past, but I think it’s ironic for this year. Our country seems extremely divided. And I think most are better at pointing fingers and blaming others than taking ownership and doing something good for the greater population.
Here’s some timeless quotes by MLK Jr that might allow us all to move forward as individuals in pursuit of good will towards humankind and complete happiness for ourselves.
Another thing that got my attention today, was First Lady Michelle Obama. I know today was about the President. But did you see her?!! Head to toe beautiful, classy and patriotic. The coat, the gloves, the hair, the boots, the belt. Just fabulous.
Sources: MLK photo // States heart // Vintage flag // Girl with flag // Unity artwork //MLK photo with quotes // Inauguration 2013 // Michelle Obama Inauguration