Tag: skate


    Three (3) things that I just found out about that are really inspiring and fueling me right now.

    1) Foam Magazine. Has anyone seen this magazine before? Ohh-eem-geee!

    I realize I’m been under rock for a bit, so if you’ve already been a fan of this, then, well, I’m just now joining the campfire.

    I’m completely in love with it! I found this mag at the bookstore on Saturday. It’s a magazine dedicated to the beach/surf culture and its positive influences on fashion, art, music and action sports. And it does it without seeming too girly girl, or to surfy surf, if you know what I mean. I’m not a surfer, but I’m surrounded and inspired by the beach/surf culture. And if you’re not a surfer either, you won’t feel intimidated or turned off by this mag.

    Anyhoots, the designers for this pub don’t skimp on details. From the velvety-touch cover paperstock, to the tasty marriages of type and photography in the editorials, to the inspiring articles of people, and the eclectic groupings of must-know musicians— this lil mag is a winner in my book!

    Take a look-see for yourself here. Can’t wait for the next issue to come out.

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    2) Element Eden + Live Learn Grow Collection inspired by Amy Purdy.

    Element Eden is the feminine and flirty version of Element, focusing on environmentally-conscious clothing for the surfer/skater-inspired lifestyle. They also launched an “advocate” program, a group of real women doing interesting things that capture the definition of the Element Eden gal. A woman who inspires others to “Live, Learn, Grow”, which they define as:

    1) Someone who’s passionate about life

    2) Inspired by art + creation

    3) She’s conscious about social + environmental awareness

    4) She’s empowered despite obstacles in front of her

    5) She’s beautiful on the inside and out

    6) She follows her dreams + speaks from her heart

    7) She’s fearless

    Check out this video below and click here to learn more about Element Eden.

    I really love what they are doing and wish more female clothing companies would follow their mantra, instead of inspiring women to be sex objects.

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    3) Amy Purdy.

    All I can say, is this girl rocks. And she’ll inspire and empower you too. And you can see why Element Eden was so inspired by her. She didn’t let her circumstance get in the way of her living her fullest, most adventureous, and most fulfilling life. Instead of me gushing by how great and inspiring she is… I’d rather you listen from her. Below is a TedX talk she gave last year and I warn you, you may need a tissue.

    The power of imagination. Believe in the possibilities.

    I believe that God wants our life to be meaningful, beautiful and extraordinary. And God is inviting all of us to write a better story. You see, we are all in some kind of circumstance or situation that puts us in a pickle. So we complain and feel all bummed and seeing other people with nicer things, better paying jobs, bigger this or that, or we just feel that life doesn’t seem fair. But our story isn’t completely “our” story. I believe that our story is what God has in his plan and vision. That Jesus becomes the author. Hmm… yes, I’m sure I got some peeps out there that are now wondering why they are reading this blog… Well, He thrives within you and wants you to make your story epic.

    “Our response to this drama or circumstance is a direct response to what you want to focus on. And your response is a direct reflection of that information (not necessarily the truth). Using worship as a response to truth is a weapon in your life ” – Miles Mcpherson.

    You just have to let God know that you need his help. That you can’t do this on your own. That when you open your heart to his guidance and plan, that he’ll guide you. You see, we aren’t in control of our lives. Yes, we all have routines, and like to be masters of control freakin’, but things are gonna happen again and again, without our control. Loved ones will die. Loved ones will lose their job. Loved ones will get cancer. And we aren’t in control. But its how we respond that situation, circumstance or rock in our path that makes all the difference. Do you inspire hope? Do you inspire love? How will you write your story?

    Peace, love & blessings! And thank you for reading.