I’ve been busy as a bee doing an assortment of different things.
I helped my friends cater a TEDx bootcamp event, went to a movie all by myself (this was a goal of mine), and attended a “real marriage” conference (I’ll share why I went and what I learned).
I’m also in the process of scanning photos of my favorite Tim adventures and having fun with a new freelance project for a fashionista I met from ALT.
I’ve been wondering where the time has gone, but feeling so blessed for all this variety and discovery.
March is also Tim’s birthday month, so lots of great memories to be shared soon.
Also, I stumbled upon this fantastic designer/illustrator, Matthew Kavan Brooks. Love his stuff. Great quotes. And completely engaging typography and design. You can also see and buy more of his work here.

This one caught my eye immediately. As a widow, (or perhaps someone going through a loss, or maybe there’s some sort of rock in life’s path) the saying “just taking things day by day” is so true. Sometime’s life can be so challenging, sometime’s taking it minute by minute is the best one can have hope for. However, I think allowing ourselves to relish and enjoy that minute, that day, or that moment for all that’s possible, we can really enjoy and honor that hope and strength. We can’t stop time, but we can enjoy life slowly, minute by minute, if that’s what it takes. Until we get so busy living we forget how fast the time really flies.