After I reading both Fast Food Nation and The Omnivore’s Dilemma I was surprised at the food I was eating and buying. That there’s way too many chemicals going into my food that shouldn’t be. That there’s a lot of scary, behind the scenes stuff that lobbyists and big corporations are trying to hide from us. I realized that we have to take ownership of buying quality ingredients and food so that we can get the nutrients that our body craves to make us happy and live longer. And don’t get me wrong, I love french fries, hamburgers and dessert, but there’s a ton of stuff out there that’s crap, REAL crap.
Anyhoots, today is Food Day, a nationwide celebration and movement for healthy, affordable, and sustainable food.
And as an honor to Tim, whose passion was food, introducing picky eaters to delicious, awesome things and sharing what he loved, I ask for you to eat something tasty and honor yourself. He always said that “when you buy food, it’s a vote.” It’s a vote to a better life for you, your family, the community, and the Earth.
So, have fun with food, support your community (those hardworking farmers and yummy restaurants), and check out more info on this site. These photos below from the Food Day Facebook page